Hair Transplant Surgery

Friday 12 July 2013

Professionals have made hair restoration more facile!

In society appearances are far more important than they used to be. People want a youthful look and baldness is seen as a mark of ageing.Hair loss is typically considered the domain of aging men, but this equal-opportunity condition — which has many causes — can affect virtually any age group. Alopecia, the medical term for hair loss, doesn’t happen only on scalp. Some illnesses and medications can elicit balding over the entire body, though genetics account for 90 percent of all cases on the head.The most common form of baldness and hair loss is a progressive hair-thinning condition that occurs in adult humans and other primate species.
Variety of factors are responsible for hair loss and baldness which includes:

1.Harsh hairstyles or treatments: Hairstyles that frequently use rubber bands, rollers or barrettes, or pull their hair into tight styles such as cornrows, can inflame their hair follicles and hence leave a scar on the hair follicles.Similarly chemical products such as dyes, bleaches, straighteners, rebonding or permanent wave solutions affect hair follicles equally. Depending on the degree of damage resulting from such factors,the hair loss can be permanent.

2.Hormone asymmetry: In women, hormonal imbalance from birth control pills, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause can induce more hair follicles to inflame and thus they  then enter from normal phase to the dormant phase.

3.Bad health or surgery: The stress from sickness or surgery may trigger the body to temporarily cease nonessential tasks such as hair production. Certain conditions can also trigger it, including thyroid disorders, syphilis,pottassium and iron deficiency, lupus or severe infection. An immune condition called alopecia areata, which is incurable, causes rapid body-wide hair loss.

4.Medications and supplements: Cancer chemotherapy attacks hair follicles in order to kill all fast-growing cells around the body,this is a well-known reason for hair loss. Other antidote side effects include hair fall as well, such as some that diagnose high blood pressure and gout (a painful joint condition caused by a excess uric acid in body). Excess levels of vitamin A also contribute to inflammation of hair follicles.

5.Nutritional deficiency: Heavy dieting or eating anarchy such as bulimia and anorexia can temporarily astound hair follicles to culminate growth. This can also occur from deficient proteins, vitamins and mineral intake.

6.Aging: A natural consequence of growing older is slowed hair growth.

Genetic hair loss is the only hair loss in which the follicle constantly gets smaller and inflammed and produces smaller and finer hair until it stops altogether and then you get the thinning.This is the alarming condition for those who are suffering hair loss.

In all cases of thinning of hair, and especially in cases of severe hair loss, it is recommended to take advice from a doctor or dermatologist. Many types of thinning have an elementary genetic or health-involving cause, which a qualified professional will be able to predict and diagnose. Effective hair replacement techniques which are widely being adopted by peolpe are FUT and FUE procedures. Many of the latest advances are Minodoxil Treatments which is available over the counter for diagnose of androgenic alopecia, but measurable changes, if are experienced, disappear within months after cessation of treatment. FUT termed as Follicular Unit Transplantation is a hair recovery technique where a patient's hair is transplanted in follicular units which are naturally occurring in groups of 1 to 4 hairs. Follicular units also consist of sebaceous glands, nerves, a small muscle, and occasional vellus hairs. In Follicular Unit Transplantation the small units allow the surgeon to safely transplant thousands of follicles in a single session, which exaggerates the cosmetic impact of the surgery.FUE termed as Follicular Unit Extraction involves harvesting of  individual follicular units which are extracted directly from the patient's donor area, ideally one follicle at a time. This differs from strip-harvesting also called FUT because, in strip harvesting, a strip of skin is taken from the patient and then sectioned into many individual follicular units. FUT and FUE are both primary hair transplantation processes employed worldwide and they offer fast and early recovery.